Red Piranha Version 3 is now available for Download as .zip and .tar.gz packages for sourceforge at Features of this release are:
- learning ability , with feedback from user saved as RDF.
- network links and scoring (from XML-RDF) adjust lucene weighting
- speed and stability improvements
- parsing of favourites / bookmarks
- automatic reindexing of previously parsed documents
- load limiting (priority given to searches , documents parsed in background)
- plugins for easy extension of Red-Piranha (new data sources , new methods of searching)
- recovery from external failure (e.g. power loss) during search / indexing / parsing of documents
- optimization of document and index processing
- Java Bugfix: Nullpointers when searching against empty index.
- Look and feel enhancements (very like well known search engine)
Please let us know how you get on.
Paul Browne