Monday, February 21, 2005

Best Oracle Guide

This one has served me well over the years , when you know you can do something with Oracle / PLSQL / Sql Plus , but can't remember the exact syntax ...

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Kayaking , Drogheda , Boyne , Ireland

Bit of a non technical post , but for those of you interested in kayaking , are in the Dublin / Drogheda / Dundalk areas of Ireland , can recommend the Silverbridge Kayak club based on the Boyne , just south of Navan.

Their website is at , and are particularly good with people beginning the sport. They also cater for more experienced Canoeists , like this weekend's trip to Wales which (sadly) I can't go on ... :-(

Monday, February 14, 2005

PHP , MySql and Mambo

Been (re)finding the joys of PHP , MySql and Mambo CMS lately , to update my consulting website

Normally , I'm a Java / Oracle / XML person myself , but due to a happy accident , the hosting company I use prefers PHP et al. While I'm not about to give up the J2EE , am definately convinced that for websites less that 10 pages , PHP / MySql is the way to go.

Anybody who's interested in consultants in Dublin / Drogheda / Dundalk / Newry / Belfast (all parts of Southern / Northern Ireland) , feel free to stop by. Those people who are into Mambo will notice the highly modified framework , sometimes out of my ignorance of the available components....

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Red Piranah zip and tar.gz available for download from sourceforge


Red Piranha Version 3 is now available for Download as .zip and .tar.gz packages for sourceforge at

Features of this release are:

- learning ability , with feedback from user saved as RDF.
- network links and scoring (from XML-RDF) adjust lucene weighting
- speed and stability improvements
- parsing of favourites / bookmarks
- automatic reindexing of previously parsed documents
- load limiting (priority given to searches , documents parsed in background)
- plugins for easy extension of Red-Piranha (new data sources , new methods of searching)
- recovery from external failure (e.g. power loss) during search / indexing / parsing of documents
- optimization of document and index processing
- Java Bugfix: Nullpointers when searching against empty index.
- Look and feel enhancements (very like well known search engine)

Please let us know how you get on.


Paul Browne

Monday, February 07, 2005

Red Piranha Version 3 Code available on CVS

Been a lot of fun remembering how Sourceforge have configured their CVS servers to use SSH , but finally have got the code release of Red Piranha (version 3) available for you to download via

As a one liner , Red Piranha is a Open Source , Java Search Engine , based on Lucene that not only searches , but can 'learn' what you are looking for.

Red-Piranha is sponsered by , the Dublin Java company.